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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mother's Quilts

My daughter Melissa and her cousins darling children.  They are sitting on a paper quilt I made for my sister to keep at her house when babysitting for her grandchildren.

Red/Brown log cabin made by mom

My grandmother's design

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Where Have I Been??

I'm back into chemotherapy. It's been an extremely challenging 60 days. I had an allergic reaction to my treatment and ended up in the hospital for 4 days. I haven't had the energy to work on my home or even drive. So no new posts on my blog....for awhile.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Finished Quilt Challenge Project

I started this project many months ago, but one thing or another got in the way.
The fabrics were preselected and you had the responsibility to find or design the pattern.
So here we are finished ready for machine quilting.  Oops, can anyone see the
mistake in the finished project.  I flipped the bottom panel colors incorrectly.
Guess who has homework tonight?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Winter Has Arrived

This winter season has been a time of reflection for me to
remember the fond memories of family and friends.
Also, I time to reflect and grow in my faith thru daily
reading of the Bible and prayer.  It's been a difficult year with my
diagnosis, but I lift my head high knowing that I have
turned my troubles and worries over to the Lord.
What a burden has been lifted from my shoulders. 
I trust in Him and His plan he has for me.
Do you Trust in Jesus? 
It's easy just ask him into your heart
and forgive you of your sins.  Try to walk each day as the Lord would.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Winter Has Arrived

After a long awaited winter it's finally arrived. 

Picture of me and my cousins one Christmas back in 1956
(I'm the blonde on the left)
We would open our presents Christmas morning at our house then
travel all day to four of my mother's siblings to visit. 
What terrific memories.